-essie nail polish in sew psyched. It is the perfect fall color, and i searched high and low for it. winner: planet beauty at the spectrum.
-gingerbread lattes with the creme brulee topping of course (it's this crunchy goodness that is like caramelized sugar)...perks of being related to a barista? i get these nice little insider secrets :)
- my wonderful boots that came in the mail this week. idea courtesy of my cousin, and now a few other friends may have already put them on their list for santa.
- ok so the daybook, courtesy of my cousin (again). haha. has become one of my biggest obsessions to say the least. i have this unhealthy infatuation with her clothes slash i kind of want to be her. it is a totally inspiring blog that makes you look at your closet in a whole new way. she is adorable and her little stories about married life are just precious. you can visit her site here! ps-it's no coincidence that she is wearing the boots i just bought...see i told you it was an unhealthy obsession ;)
- taylor swift. duh. i mean who isn't?! yes...she may not have the best voice out there, but i believe her songwriting skills make up for that...she wrote the whole album by herself. get it girl. and i think she is one of a handful of celebrities out there in that age group that handles herself with such grace and sticks to her morals, and most importantly is true to herself.
- instyle. where have you been all my life and why hadn't i started reading you years ago?!
- nars blush in orgasm. yes, i splurged. $26 later it was well worth it, and plus i haven't even put a dent in it! i think it's the perfect blush and so does everyone else, it's won tons of awards from different magazines! it has a rose color to it, with coral undertones and gold shimmer...all in one!
- fleur patchwork quilt from urban outfitters. my newest purchase for my apartment, which should be arriving any day now. and the bonus about it? i can use it as a throw or accent piece when i enter the real world and get my own big girl dollhouse. aka apartment.
gosh, i'm such a girl.
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